Continue reading “Living pictures – 2014 (pictures sent for the contest)”
Living pictures -2013 (Awards ceremony)
Living pictures – 2013 (pictures sent for the contest)
Scriptures donated to children in day-care centers, orphanages, etc.
Celebrating 20 years of Lithuanian Bible society. Ecumenical meeting (2012)
Scriptures in Braile – for those who read with hands instead of eyes
Giant print Bible – for seniors in elderly people homes and weak-sighted readers
“Family day” in Litexpo
Bible Adventure
Bible exhibitions „Bible in history and today“ and „Prophet Jonah and the fish“
- 2003 birželį Kaltinėnuose (Šilalės r.)
- Kauno vaikų darželyje “Žingsnelis” 2010 m.
- Kūribingai įrištos Biblijos.
- Stendas, kuriame aprašyta Biblijos istorija.
- 2007 lapkritį Pajuostėje (Panevėžio r.)